Update: This text was originally published in 2016, when the elimination of the so-called radio-TV tax used to fund the public broadcaster (TVR) and public radio was being considered. Since 2017, the national broadcaster and public radio are funded direct... Citește mai mult

Update: This text was originally published in 2016, and it discusses a licence fee as the main source of funding for the Romanian public broadcaster (TVR). Since 2017, the broadcaster is funded directly from the state budget.  The root causes of why TVR ... Citește mai mult

  • Gábor Tóka , Raluca Toma

Can numbers tell us if any of the parties engaged in ballot stuffing? In the 2014 Romanian presidential elections, about 10 percent of those who went to the polls within Romania did so “on supplementary lists”, i.e., at another precinct than the one t... Citește mai mult

  • Gábor Tóka , Raluca Toma

In the previous section, we used a regression analysis to try to find any suspect patterns in how the supplementary lists impacted the vote share of Victor Ponta and Klaus Iohannis. We also found a few precincts where our model’s prediction falls fa... Citește mai mult

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